Reminiscing with Gigi
We loved reminiscing with Gigi Gonzalez about how sweet this past summer was. Gigi will be joining us in our leadership program as an Aide for summer...
We loved reminiscing with Gigi Gonzalez about how sweet this past summer was. Gigi will be joining us in our leadership program as an Aide for summer...
We want to stay connected and hear from our Alumnae! With Keystone Camp celebrating its 105th reunion this summer, we would love to learn about what y...
Making the leadership switch from camper to staff can be a challenging yet rewarding experience for our Keystone girls. We loved hearing from Catherin...
We have had so many rainy afternoons this summer. Much of Transylvania County is a temperate rainforest with annual rainfall in excess of 85 inches. I...
We received an email from one of our camp parents late last week. Kim Hester of Washington, DC gave us permission to share her email with our larger ...
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I spend the early morning each day playing Spelling Bee in the New York Times. My husband and I have a friendly competition to see who reaches the “G...
Adapt Verb (used without object) to adjust oneself to different conditions, environment, etc. As we close out session number 3, I have become so very ...
At the end of each session, we celebrate our time together with a banquet. Our Aide leadership group writes toasts to different groups to recognize t...
Here we are again with a session closing night. The final campfire is ahead of us. Music is playing outside my window with cabins dancing, Enos are ...
Here we are a week into our 2nd session, and we continue to be amazed at the joys we are finding in the simplest of things: friendships, togetherness...