As noted on our camper application form and on our Bunk Request Form, our camp policy is clearly stated: Cabin groups are assigned by grade level. These requests can be honored if both campers are in the same grade and there are no conflicting requests. We cannot promise to place you as requested. We try to arrange cabins so that no more than two or three campers from the same area and/or school live in the same cabin.

We do not make cabin assignments until the week leading up to the session. Friendships ebb and flow over the course of a year, and we have found that waiting until close to the session start date allows us to make timely assignments. That is why we have the Bunk Request Form due on May 1st of each year; to allow the most current relationships to be considered. The May 1st Bunk Request is our primary source for information regarding cabin requests.

We also do not alert families to cabin assignments ahead of the actual camp arrival. As you might expect, if this information were provided in advance, we would be overwhelmed with the impossibility of meeting every desire of every parent and every camper.

Cabin assignments are done very intentionally with a lot of thought and input from our counselor staff. The assignments are considered over several days. We want the cabin experience to be the very best we are able to offer to your daughter. Many times we see cabin groups that get along so well, they continue their friendships outside of camp and into adulthood.

If your daughter is close friends with a girl who is a year ahead or a year behind her in school, the girls have the opportunity to take daily activities together, to hang out during free time and to take out-of-camp trips together.

We appreciate your understanding of this process, and we thank you in advance for supporting the decisions we make in the spirit of doing our very best for your daughter. We seek to build a strong camp community where everyone knows one another.