Daily Schedule

Days are always full of fun at Keystone

7:30 - Wake Up Bell and Cabin Clean-Up

8:15 - Flag Raising

8:20 - Breakfast

I love climbing in the morning!

9:00 - Assembly

9:35 - 1st Period

10:20 - 2nd Period

11:05 - 3rd Period

11:50 - 4th Period

12:30 - Free Time

12:45 - Lunch

1:30 - Rest Hour

2:30 - Tuck

2:50 - 5th Period

3:35 - 6th Period

4:20 - 7th Period

Free Swim is the Best!

5:05 - Free Swim and Afternoon Tuck

5:50 - Flag Lowering

6:00 - Dinner

7:15 - Evening Program

8:20 - Milk & Cookies

8:30 - Taps

9:00 - Lights out for Elves

9:30 - Lights out for Pixies

10:00 -Lights out for Dryads