
We will provide the training to help you pass on your knowledge and skills to children so that they can learn in a fun, safe environment.

What if I’ve never taught before?

Most of our staff are not professional instructors. They are just strong, enthusiastic, adaptable leaders who have a passion for their hobby/sport and an even greater love for children. We will provide the training to help you pass on your knowledge and skills to children so that they can learn in a fun, safe environment. All you need is a positive attitude and a willingness to share yourself.

At the end of the day you will be amazed at what a lot of enthusiasm and praise can do for a child’s growth. Remember, you are not only teaching them a specific skill, but also life lessons by leading through example.

What about training?

Staff Orientation occurs just before the first session opens in June. During this time we will acquaint you with Keystone’s philosophy, expectations, and goals. This will be done in a variety of ways.

First, we will take the skills that you bring to camp and show you how to apply these to lessons. You will be taught to do this in a way that is safe and fun for the campers!

You will also get to take part in some of the activities that you will do with your cabin. These experiences range from tubing down the French Broad River to camping out. This orientation week is the best way to get to know your fellow staff who you will be working with for the rest of the summer.

There are also professional workshops available for many of the activity areas. Many of these occur in late May just before the camping season begins. If you know of trainings in your area that would be beneficial to your camp counselor experience, let us know. We are always happy to send counselors to workshops that are beneficial to our community.