Which Session is Right for You?

Finding the right fit

Our two longer sessions have a return rate of typically 80%. Many girls are the daughters and even granddaughters of Keystone Alumnae. Our shorter sessions usually attract girls who are new to Keystone and camp in general. It is a real mix.

All Sessions Include

A camp-out on camp property and a tubing trip as a cabin group. Every day except Sunday there are seven activity periods which the girls sign up for on opening day. There are over thirty activities to choose from and each girl has the opportunity to switch them on Sundays and Wednesdays. During each session the girls can go out of camp on trips, experience theme days, events with other local camps and enjoy our whole camp special programs. At the end of every session there is a final campfire with a traditional candle light bark boat ceremony.

Three Week

Our three week session is twenty days in length and is just the right amount of time for campers who finish school and are excited about camp. The June session is ideal for both returning and beginner campers. In addition to daily activities, girls have plenty of time to sign up for out of camp canoeing, climbing and hiking trips. This session is an excellent next step for girls who have attended shorter sessions and would like more time at camp to try new activities and have the opportunity for more trips and events.

Four Week

Our four week session is twenty seven days in length and is our longest session. The four week session provides campers the opportunity to get anything and everything they want out of summer camp. They will have more time to improve their skills in activities, experience longer trips, and have the opportunity to participate in field days with other local camps. During this session we celebrate the 4th of July, Theme Week, and Keystone’s Birthday. July is jam packed with a variety of evening programs and special events which allows the girls to experience everything Keystone has to offer. This session also gives campers the chance to be positive role models for the Mini I and Mini II campers who will transition in the middle of the session.


Our Mini sessions (Mini I and Mini II) are twelve days in length and are for girls finishing 2nd through 6th grade. The Mini Sessions are an introductory two week camp experience. These sessions run concurrently with the four week session. The Mini sessions are ideal for campers who are younger and are comfortable with two weeks and would be interested in making a transition to a longer camp session in the future. Campers will participate in activities with both the Mini campers and the July campers. However, Mini campers are only housed in cabins with other Mini campers. The Mini I campers will celebrate the end of the session with our Miss Manners Dinner. The Mini II campers will experience our team games day and closing banquet festivities.

Two Week

Our two week session in August is for campers in grades 2nd through 9th and is twelve days in length. This session is ideal for those younger and older girls who have other summer obligations and want to end their summer with a bang. Campers participate in the same number of activity periods as the longer sessions and have the opportunity to experience day trips and theme days, which add excitement and enthusiasm to our camp community. Campers get a full camp experience on a slightly smaller (shorter) scale.

Key Camp

Key Camp Blue, Yellow and White are our six-day beginner sessions. These sessions are designed for our youngest campers finishing Kindergarten through 2nd grade. This is a fantastic session for girls who have not yet been to sleep-a-way camp. Key Camp allows the girls to experience girls camp alongside older campers who can show them the ropes as well as offer up guidance. It can be viewed as a “sampler,” where girls see what camp is like and can decide to return for a longer period of time next year. Please take a look at our new Key Camp Guide for parents to give you a more in-depth look at this session.

Feeling at Home

Regardless of what session each camper tries first, we find that girls eventually choose a session that becomes “home” to them. Campers enjoy the specific offerings of their particular session and come to return year after year, meeting up with their camp friends from previous years.