The first half of the day culminates with lunch, which is the most energetic meal time at Keystone! Cabins have the opportunity to sing songs and dance while waiting their turn to get food. The meal is followed by a crucial part of the daily routine at Keystone: rest hour. Following table clean-up, counselors collect all the mail for their cabins and distribute it to their campers at their bunks. Campers then have a luxurious hour to spend catching up on their snail mail correspondence, reading, journaling, drawing, or napping. Rest hour helps everyone recharge for the rest of the day, and is a prime example of how girls learn to live well in community. If girls are rambunctious during rest hour, then their cabinmates who are trying to nap might be displeased. It’s important for girls to learn to be mindful of the other people sharing the cabin environment.
At the end of rest hour, campers line up in front of their cabin doors, well rested and itching with excitement. Looking at them, one may wonder what all the fuss is about — but any Keystone Girl could tell you, it’s time for Tuck! When the bell rings, girls scurry down the paths toward the Tuck Shop, quickly forming a line to choose their delicious treats. The Tuck Shop offers everything from tiny sodas to ice cream bars, essentially all you could ask for in a sweet treat!
Campers spend the rest of the afternoon in their last three activity periods and wrap up with some free time, which often means taking a dip in the swim lake, playing games on the green, reading in a hammock, or joining a round of Gaga ball. Before dinner, we have evening flag, where we lower and fold up the flag for the day.