The Joy of Camp

The hustle and bustle of the holiday season is upon us here at Keystone Camp! For me, it’s one of my most favorite times of the year. I count down the days until I can pull out all of my festive decorations, both for my house and the barn. Every year I find last-minute items I’ve bought on clearance at the end of the year, and stashed away in the closet to use for the following season. One of the items I acquired last year was a 3-foot outdoor decoration sign with the word “JOY” written on it vertically. It’s a word that, if you notice, is one that’s used on many decorations this time of year. But here at Keystone, “joy” is not just a holiday term. It is, from my perspective, one of the consistent values that makes Keystone Camp so special.

Every September, our year-round staff reflect on our summer season. This is a time not only to make plans and look forward to the coming summer, but also, just as importantly, to share perspectives on how Keystone can continue to be the nurturing environment that it is. An environment that is not only dedicated to building character and individuality in our campers and staff, but also one that ensures that Keystone is a place of happiness and joy. During this time of reflection and evaluation, I found it important to bring along with me one of the Fourth Level projects a camper had done for Horsemanship in the July session. In this specific project, campers are given the task of designing their own farm. There are specific items they must include in their final project: descriptions of building materials, water and fencing requirements, and even a well-described illustration of every aspect of their farm. This particular camper was meticulous about every part of her design, down to the name of her farm (which she named after the barn dog “Beckley”). She was so excited to present it to me, and we all knew the time and effort she put into it. Moments like these, and recognizing those moments with gratitude, is how we ensure Keystone is a place of joy.

Joy and happiness go hand in hand. But each is different in how we attain them. What makes us happy at camp are circumstances and situations: being with our friends, participating in fun activities and trips every day, traditional evening programs, and team games. Happiness runs rampant here. But what is special about Keystone is the immense joy within it. Joy is what is within the ordinary moments of camp. Every day I make sure to take time to see it, to be a part of it.

Joy is in hearing a favorite song blaring from the speakers in the gymnasium and the voices of campers singing along as loud as possible. Joy is in the giggles from the tiniest Crabapple campers trying to tote their laundry down before breakfast. Joy is in finding a camper relaxing in her Crazy Creek with a sleeping pig by her side at the barn, while another is giving her horse a hug after a successful ride. Joy is in smelling the brownies cooking in the kitchen while walking through camp. Joy is in seeing one girl care for another by making a friend a friendship bracelet or a piece of pottery. Joy is in every place and every moment if we take the time to see it. Camp is wrapped up with those moments that keep bringing us back for more joy in a way only Keystone can do it.