Ushering in a New Era

My husband and I are heading down to Greenville, South Carolina to watch the first round of the NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament. As many of you know, I bleed Duke Blue. Not only did I graduate from Duke University, but I was honored to arrive at Duke the same year as Coach K. Forty-two years later, it is the end of a significant era.

Just as Duke Basketball enters a new era, so does Keystone Camp. We have said farewell to our former team. These past four years were a significant era in Keystone’s history. We did a lot of building, both in programming and in our facilities: new cabins, a high ropes challenge course, a new zipline, and several new activities. We also had the courage in the face of Covid to be one of the few summer camps to operate in 2020. We continue to look upon ourselves as “Pioneers in Camping,” just like our founders Miss Fannie and Miss Florence in 1916.

This past weekend, I hosted my new leadership team at my house for the first time. We had a tremendous weekend of getting to know each other, and we were able to do a great deal of program planning for the summer. Our new year-round leadership team joining me and our Administrative Director Stacey Rice is Izzy Hall, Jess Wiegandt, and Jazz Whyatt. Izzy, Jess, and Jazz have 20 years of camp leadership experience between them. Along with this tremendous year-round team, you will also see the familiar face of Lauren Spillman. These leaders know Keystone! New members of our summer staff come to us with camp experiences of their own, and they were so gracious to share some great new ideas to add to your Keystone experience. We are all confident that this summer is going to be the BEST EVER!
