Much attention has been given to “random acts of kindness,”but kindness is anything but random. Kindness is an intentional action. We have to decide what we want to do to demonstrate friendliness, generosity or consideration. Kindness is a conscious choice, and it is one we must work on every day. When we reference our catch phrase, “Other Girl First,” we are again making a conscious decision to postpone our own needs, think of another person before ourselves, and to be at peace with that decision.
Our girls paid a heavy price to Covid, particularly those who were not able to attend school in either a hybrid model or full-time. There were many losses for our girls. Celebrations of school graduations, the ability to gather with friends for birthdays, parties at the end of sports seasons, Bat Mitzvahs, limited travel, etc. Our counselors, too, have lived through these same disappointments. How can you not be sad and even angry by all of this loss? Social media and Netflix became our world when we weren’t trying to attend school online.
We need to give ourselves time, space and grace to find our path forward. At the same time, we have to navigate the camp community. Coming into group living at camp really pushed comfort zones, more so this year than last because of the full school year that had passed. We walked forward slowly for our first weeks together as we regained our group living footing. Kindness was essential as we brought our girls back into a more normal existence. It had been a long time since they had had to wait their turn or share living space with anyone outside of their families, but we see that our girls have achieved this balance. Yes, there have been some stumbles. We all know how face to face interactions are so much more impactful than over texting or zoom. We found ourselves having to instantly respond to the reaction in front of us. We had to respond to the words we chose or to the action we took, but we have made it.