What will Keystone look like this summer?

At this point, we plan for Keystone to return to its traditional operations. However, we know our operations need to be fluid due to the ever-changing Covid-19 situation. We will always communicate any necessary changes via email.

Will It Still Feel Like Camp?

We know campers have been through a stressful time, filled with unanticipated change, high anxiety, and disappointments. Keystone may, at times, have to look a bit different this summer, just as it did last summer. We believe the spirit of Keystone is more than just the programming or the traditions, and we are committed to providing a camp experience this summer.


Camp will be returning to our regular session schedule. The sessions with dates and rates are available here.


All your favorite activities like horseback riding, slide, and archery will still be happening.


You get to sit with your cabin at every meal! We will be keeping smaller numbers in the dining hall with some cabins enjoying outdoor dining. Be assured there will still be singing at lunchtime!

Evening Programs

Our evening program coordinators are working hard to come up with fun and exciting evening programs.Please understand that we may have to modify some evening programs. Prom may not happen in the Pavilion, but be ready to show us your moves out on the tennis courts.

Handwashing and Temperature Checks

While you are all used to washing your hands before meals, get your 20-second camp songs ready, because we will be washing hands A LOT this summer! You will also be getting your temperature checked each day.

Camp Traditions

Campfire will still happen, but it will happen down by the Green this summer. You will still get to sit as cabins in your crazy creeks and Page will still be reading Kamp Keys each week.

Horseback Riding

You will still get the opportunity to ride as many days as possible.


Cabins will still look very similar! You will still have 5-10 cabinmates and 2-3 counselors.


Cabins will still be going on their tubing trip and their campout! Campers will be able to take swimming, nature, and hiking trips as much as current Covid conditions allow. Parkway sunrises and s’mores at overlooks will still be an option!