Catherine Lemel

Associate Director

Catherine grew up attending Keystone for seven years as a camper. She then returned as a summer staff member for four years before earning a bachelor’s degree in Sociology from Barnard College of Columbia University. Catherine spent three years working in digital advertising in Washington, D.C., including a year and a half at the Washington Post, prior to joining the year-round team in the fall of 2022. She brings a love of the outdoors, hiking, and all things evening programs to the team (anyone up for some gold rush?).

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Girls Come to Keystone Camp and Have Personal Growth Experiences, Build True Friendships, and Learn They Have Value to Something Larger than Themselves
Girls come to Keystone Camp to have fun, put the other girl first, and learn independence
Girls Come to Keystone Camp and Have Personal Growth Experiences, Build True Friendships, and Learn They Have Value to Something Larger than Themselves